Learning & Development
The Hidden Costs of Avoiding Difficult Conversations at Work

Have you ever put off telling a coworker that their work is affecting the whole team? You're not alone. Many of us avoid tough talks at work, but this can lead to big problems. In fact, research shows that workplace conflicts result in an average of 2.8 hours per week of lost productivity per employee. This hurts team morale and productivity.

Why We Shy Away from Tough Talks

It's common for people to avoid difficult conversations at work. Studies show that 70% of employees dodge tough talks with their boss, coworkers, or the people they manage.

Some common situations where people avoid speaking up include:

  • Talking about poor work performance
  • Dealing with personal issues that affect work
  • Looking into complaints

We often avoid these conversations because:

  • Our culture teaches us to avoid blame and conflict
  • We've had bad experiences with arguments in the past
  • Tough talks make us feel vulnerable, especially if we're different from the other person in terms of race, gender, or job position

The Hidden Costs of Staying Silent

When we don't have these important conversations, it can cause a lot of problems:

Lack of Trust

When problems aren't discussed, it can lead to alack of trust and teamwork. Small disagreements can grow into big conflicts.

Stress and Anxiety

Avoiding tough conversations can make people feel more stressed and anxious. This can lead to more sick days and people quitting their jobs.


When issues aren't addressed, people waste time, feel less motivated, and struggle to make decisions or be creative. Important projects might fail because people don't share their ideas or concerns.

Negative Culture

Over time, avoiding difficult conversations can lead to low morale and a workplace where people always try to avoid problems or blame others.

How to Have Tough Conversations

  1. Prepare: Think about what happened, how everyone feels, and how the situation affects you personally.
  2. Listen Carefully: Try to understand the other person's point of view without judging.
  3. Work Together: Look at the situation from both sides and try to find solutions that work for everyone.
  4. Start Easy: Begin the conversation by showing you're interested in the other person's thoughts.

Turning Tough Talks into Opportunities

  1. Set Clear Goals: Make sure everyone knows what needs to change and why.
  2. Offer Help: Provide resources or support to help make the improvements you discussed.
  3. Follow Up: Check in regularly to see how things are going and remind everyone why these changes are important.

How Colleva Can Help

At Colleva, we offer tools to help make difficult conversations easier for all team members across your organization.

Insights for Everyone

Our Colleva scenarios provide instant feedback on high-stakes conversations. It's like giving each team member their own personal coach, offering tips and insights as they interact with clients.

Customized Practice

We create tailored scenarios for your team to practice challenging situations. This allows each employee to receive personalized feedback in a risk-free environment, no matter their experience level.

Immersive Learning at Scale

Our immersive scenarios let your entire team hone their skills in a safe space. They can learn from mistakes and receive constructive feedback without real-world consequences, making coaching more accessible across your organization.


Avoiding tough talks at work might seem easier in the short term, but it can cause big problems over time. By learning how to have these conversations in a positive way, we can create better, more honest workplaces where everyone can thrive.

Remember, the next time you're tempted to avoid a difficult conversation, think about the hidden costs of staying silent. With practice and the right tools, you can turn these challenging moments into opportunities for growth and improvement.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Lectus ac eleifend in convallis imperdiet. Amet tortor lorem odio proin dolor. Convallis dolor posuere vitae pellentesque nulla rutrum sit. Quam aliquet a arcu iaculis sit fringilla eu. Tortor tortor amet nunc non odio posuere convallis ut. Massa risus orci enim arcu. Sit platea pharetra purus aliquet proin. Ac gravida id sit odio. Tempor posuere tellus iaculis in enim scelerisque non amet id. Egestas nisl risus placerat quis euismod hendrerit ac. Condimentum at quam nunc adipiscing urna facilisi leo. Turpis senectus posuere laoreet tellus hendrerit faucibus platea blandit sed. Nibh feugiat felis felis sem urna volutpat eget turpis amet. Lorem auctor egestas diam imperdiet.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Lectus ac eleifend in convallis imperdiet. Amet tortor lorem odio proin dolor. Convallis dolor posuere vitae pellentesque nulla rutrum sit. Quam aliquet a arcu iaculis sit fringilla eu. Tortor tortor amet nunc non odio posuere convallis ut. Massa risus orci enim arcu. Sit platea pharetra purus

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Lectus ac eleifend in convallis imperdiet. Amet tortor lorem odio proin dolor. Convallis dolor posuere vitae pellentesque nulla rutrum sit. Quam aliquet a arcu iaculis sit fringilla eu. Tortor tortor amet nunc non.

3. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Lectus ac eleifend in convallis imperdiet. Amet tortor lorem odio proin dolor. Convallis dolor posuere vitae pellentesque.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Lectus ac eleifend in convallis imperdiet. Amet tortor lorem odio proin dolor. Convallis dolor posuere vitae pellentesque nulla rutrum sit. Quam aliquet a arcu iaculis sit fringilla eu. Tortor tortor amet nunc non odio posuere convallis ut. Massa risus orci enim arcu. Sit platea pharetra purus aliquet proin. Ac gravida id sit odio. Tempor posuere tellus iaculis in enim scelerisque non amet id. Egestas nisl risus placerat quis euismod hendrerit ac. Condimentum at quam nunc adipiscing urna facilisi leo. Turpis senectus posuere laoreet tellus hendrerit faucibus platea blandit sed. Nibh feugiat felis felis sem urna volutpat eget turpis amet. Lorem auctor egestas diam imperdiet.

  1. Lorem ipsum, “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Lectus ac eleifend in convallis imperdiet. Amet tortor lorem”
  2. Lorem ipsum, “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Lectus ac eleifend in convallis imperdiet. Amet tortor lorem odio proin dolor. Convallis dolor posuere vitae pellentesque”
  3. Lorem ipsum, “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur”