Plans & Pricing
Available Now
Level 1
Price: $40/user/month
Billed annually
  • 15 Interactive sales scenarios

    • Common sales scenarios made by experts with pre-built avatars to practice key sales skills and presentations.

  • Ability to upload and practice delivering sales decks of up to 10 pages

  • 1 hour/month/user of practice

  • Admin Support for 1 rollout w/ Colleva-provided materials

  • Practice of realistic common sales situations with your actual sales materials
Available Now
Level 2
Price: $100/user/month
Billed annually
  • 15 Interactive sales scenarios

  • 15  Real-Time sales scenarios

    • Fully customizable scenarios that enable users to personalize the backstory, goals, and avatar personality of their sales situations.

  • Ability to upload and practice delivering sales decks of up to 40 pages

  • 4 hour/month/user of practice

  • Admin Support for 1 rollout w/ Colleva-provided materials

  • In depth practice with your real sales decks against avatars customized to mimic your real customers
Available Now
Level 3
Price: $200/user/month
Billed annually
  • 15 Interactive sales scenarios

  • 15  Real-Time sales scenarios

  • Ability to upload and practice delivering sales decks of up to 40 pages

  • 8 hour/month/user of practice

  • Centrally upload and deploy sales decks to your team

  • Centrally build custom avatars and backstories and deploy to your whole team

  • Building customized and specific sales training programs based on specific company methodologies and goals
    • Training teams in new pitching new product offerings

    • Training teams to pitch to new ICPs

    • Onboarding and upskilling new and underperforming team members with key sales skills

Available Now
Giving and Receiving Feedback
Price: $20/user/month
Billed annually
  • 10 Interactive scenarios built to develop and practice key skills for giving and receiving feedback.

  • 2 Real-time Giving and Receiving Feedback Scenarios

  • 2 hrs/month practice time per user

  • Ability to upload PDFs to customize scenarios.

  • Rollout support w/ Colleva-provided materials (go live in as little as 1 week)

  • Dedicated support from Colleva’s User Experience Team

  • Ability to upload PDFs to customize scenarios.

Perfect For Practicing Critical Skills To:
  • Master Tough, High Stakes Conversations
  • Build Stronger Interpersonal Relationships
  • Establish a Culture of Accountability, Adaptability, and Resilience
  • Reduce Conflict and Enhance Problem-Solving
  • Improve Customer and Stakeholder Communication
Available Now
Individual Development
Price: $40/user/month
Billed annually
  • 20 Interactive scenarios to for individual development across your org

  • 2 Real-time Individual Development Scenarios

  • Ability to upload PDFs to customize scenarios.

  • 4 hrs/month practice time per user

  • Rollout support w/ Colleva-provided materials (go live in as little as 1 week)

  • Dedicated support from Colleva’s User Experience Team

Perfect For Practicing Critical Skills To:
  • Improve Communication Skills with Colleagues and Managers
  • Expertly Navigate Changes and Setbacks
Exercise Influence Throughout Your Team and Org
  • Negotiate Challenges and Opposition
  • Drive Critical Career Conversations
Available Now
Manager Development
Price: $40/user/month
Billed annually
  • 20 Interactive scenarios to for individual development across your org

  • 2 Real-time Individual Development

  • Ability to upload PDFs to customize scenarios.

  • 4 hrs/month practice time per user

  • Rollout support w/ Colleva-provided
    materials (go live in as little as 1 week)

  • Dedicated support from Colleva’s User Experience Team

Perfect For Practicing Critical Skills To:
  • Enhance Leadership Abilities and Executive Presence
  • Promote Growth and Empowerment in Your Team
  • Expertly Handle Tricky Formal Reviews
  • Manage Change and Conflict
  • Advocate and Secure Resources for Your Team
Available Now
Level 1
Price: $40/user/month
Billed annually
  • 1 standard Colleva interview

  • Support for 1 rollout w/ Colleva-provided materials

  • 3 months of access

  • Lorem ipsum dolor
  • Lorem ipsum dolor
  • Lorem ipsum dolor
Available Now
Level 2
Price: $100/user/month
Billed annually
  • All standard Colleva interviews

  • Admin ability to customize 1 interview

  • Support for 1 rollout w/ Colleva-provided materials

  • 6 months of access

  • Lorem ipsum dolor
  • Lorem ipsum dolor
  • Lorem ipsum dolor
Available Now
Level 3
Price: $200/user/month
Billed annually
  • All standard Colleva interviews

  • Unlimited Admin ability to customize interviews

  • Support for 1 rollout w/ Colleva-provided materials

  • 12 months of access

  • Lorem ipsum dolor
  • Lorem ipsum dolor
  • Lorem ipsum dolor
Available Now
Level 1
Price: $40/user/month
5 User Minimum
  • Library of 15 predefined sales scenarios to practice key skills with pre-built avatars

  • Ability to upload and practice your own sales decks of up to 10 pages

  • 1 hour per month of practice (per user)

  • Full admin support

Available Now
Level 2
Price: $100/user/month
5 User Minimum

Everything included in Level 1 plus:

  • Everything included in Level 1 plus:

  • Ability to personalize sales scenarios (additional context, avatar personalities)

  • Ability to upload and practice your own sales decks of up to 40 pages

  • 4 hours per month of practice (per user)

Available Now
Level 3
Price: $200/user/month
5 User Minimum

Everything included in Levels 1 and 2 plus:

  • Everything included in Levels 1 and 2 plus:

  • Ability to centrally customize and deploy sales scenarios to your team

  • Ability to centrally upload and deploy sales materials across scenarios

  • 8 hours per month of practice (per user)

Available Now
Giving and Receiving Feedback
Price: $20/user/month
5 User Minimum
  • 10 interactive + 2 real-time scenarios

  • 2 hours per month of practice (per user)

  • Go live in <1 week with rollout materials

  • Full admin and user support

Available Now
Price: $40/user/month
5 User Minimum
  • 20 interactive + 2 real-time scenarios

  • 4 hours per month of practice (per user)

  • Go live in <1 week with rollout materials

  • Full admin and user support

Available Now
Price: $40/user/month
5 User Minimum
  • 20 interactive + 2 real-time scenarios

  • 4 hours per month of practice (per user)

  • Go live in <1 week with rollout materials

  • Full admin and user support

Available Now
Level 1
Price: $5/interview
Minimum 100 interviews
  • 1 Colleva interview type (e.g., peer review)

  • Standardized but highly responsive questions

  • 3 months of access to conduct interviews

  • Go live in <1 week with full support

Available Now
Level 2
Price: $10/interview
Minimum 100 interviews
  • All Colleva interview types

  • Ability to customize 1 interview type

  • 6 months of access to conduct interviews

  • Go live in <1 week with full support

Available Now
Level 3
Price: $15/interview
Minimum 100 interviews
  • All Colleva interview types

  • Ability to customize all interview types

  • 12 months of access to conduct interviews

  • Go live in <1 week with full support

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Available Now
Level 1
Price: $40/user/month
Billed annually
  • Library of 15 predefined sales scenarios to practice key skills with pre-built avatars

  • Ability to upload and practice your own sales decks (of up to 10 pages)

  • 1 hour per month of practice (per user)

  • Full admin support

Enterprise Solutions

More than 50 people?  Or want to explore custom solutions?  Contact us for enterprise pricing or to discuss tailored use cases.