Colleva Insights Provides
Customizable Interviews
A library of common interviews, fully customizable based on company needs
Rapid Deployment
Easily survey staff and quickly get a pulse from across your organization
Actionable Insights
Feedback gathering and insights based on AI-enabled follow-up questioning

Interactive, avatar-led interviews designed to gather deep insights
A core library of common questions used across a variety of types of performance-oriented interviews
- Performance reviews
- 360 reviews
- Stay interviews
- Exit interviews
- Pulse interviews
AI-enabled follow-up questioning for deeper insights
Companies can define their own structured line of questions

Instant, personalized, and actionable reports
Automatically generate summaries of interviews with detailed transcripts
Easily synthesize information across users in consistent formats
Edit and submit reports in a manner consistent with company practices

Admin ability to manage deployment and receive insights on efficacy
Easy to use admin panel for user management
Visibility into reviews conducted and overall status
View report outputs, quickly iterate and adjust interview questions